WWII Luftwaffe Late War Colors


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This set of Real Colors lacquer based paints features the six camouflage colors that had been used for painting German aircraft manufactured from ca. late summer of 1944 until the end of war. It contains two versions of the RLM 76 underside color (including the green-blue variation seen on such aircraft as the Fw 190 D-9 and Bf 109 K-4), two versions of the RLM 81 upper surface color (one khaki and one dark green tone, the latter erroneously identified as RLM 83 in the past) which were reproduced on the basis of the officially approved formulas to be used depending on the available component supply of a particular paint manufacturer; and RLM 82 upper surface color (three formulas for this color were also approved, but they result in very similar shades of green). Also included is the RLM 66 interior color based on the variant featured in the color chart included in the 1941 edition of L.Dv. 521/1 regulations.
Indispensable for painting models of such machines as Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D, Heinkel He 162, Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-10/K-4 and Me 262, or Arado Ar 234 B/C.

May be diluted with RC701/RC702 High Compatibility Thinner or other thinners intended for lacquer based paints.


  • RC938 RLM 66 (1941)
  • RC944 RLM 76 Version 2
  • RC945 RLM 76 Late War Variation
  • RC949 RLM 81 Ver.2 (incorrectly called RLM 83)
  • RC950 RLM 81 Version 3
  • RC951 RLM 82


Este set de lacas Real Colors contiene los seis colores de camuflaje que se utilizaron para pintar los aviones alemanes fabricados desde finales del verano de 1944 hasta el final de la guerra. Contiene dos versiones del color de la cara inferior RLM 76 (incluyendo la variación verde-azul vista en aviones como el Fw 190 D-9 y el Bf 109 K-4), dos versiones del color de la cara superior RLM 81 (un tono caqui y un tono verde oscuro, este último erróneamente identificado como RLM 83 en el pasado) que fueron reproducidos en base a las fórmulas oficialmente aprobadas para ser usadas dependiendo del suministro de componentes disponibles de su fabricante  y el color de la superficie superior RLM 82 (se aprobaron tres fórmulas para este color, pero dan como resultado tonos de verde muy similares). También se incluye el color interior RLM 66, basado en la variante que figura en la carta de colores incluida en la edición de 1941 del reglamento L.Dv. 521/1 de 1941. Indispensable para pintar modelos de máquinas como Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D, Heinkel He 162, Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-10/K-4 y Me 262, o Arado Ar 234 B/C.

Puede diluirse con RC701/RC702 High Compatibility Thinner o con otros diluyentes para pinturas de base laca.


  • RC938 RLM 66 (1941)
  • RC944 RLM 76 Version 2
  • RC945 RLM 76 Late War Variation
  • RC949 RLM 81 Ver.2 (incorrectamente llamado RLM 83)
  • RC950 RLM 81 Version 3
  • RC951 RLM 82

"Exclusive Product Walk Around"

Additional information

Weight 0,21 kg
Dimensions 19 × 8,5 × 3 cm


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Aircraft, Military

Real Colors Range


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