First off let’s start with the obligatory questions of how old you are, where you live, and how long have you been building models? How long has it been since you really started to get involved in modeling on a more serious level? How old were you?
I’m 38 years old and live together with my girlfriend and my son in the North East of Belgium. I modeling over 27 years now and got serious in the mid 90’s when I was around 20 years old.
What is your favourite drink?
Belgian Beer!
What is your favourite food?
Real Belgian fries with mayonnaise.
How active are you in the modeling community such as frequenting the boards, going to shows, entering those shows, model club meetings, group builds, etc.
I quite active, I’m a proud member of KMK the Blue-shirt and travel to many shows.
Where do you see the modeling industry to be in 10 years from right now. Where are we headed?
It’s only getting better!
A lot of people are going to read this interview. That includes a lot of people who own companies in the modeling industry. Now that you have their attention, without calling them out by name, tell me in broad and respectful terms what would you like to say to the people involved with the business side of the hobby? What are they doing right? What are they doing wrong? What would you like to see them do? The floor is yours…
Listen to the people who buy your products, and learn from firsthand experience how to improve your products.
What are your general thoughts of what goes on in the forums?
Not everybody is honest.
Disagreements and debates are part of life. Having a nice healthy respectful debate with like-minded people is not necessarily a bad thing. With that being said, is there anything you’d like to say to those who can’t disagree and debate in a respectful manner on the forums and instead just try to belittle others and make them look foolish while simultaneously letting the world know just how wonderful they think they are?
Go someplace else.
Do you have friends who also share a passion for modeling like you do? What percentage of your friends are modelers themselves?
What is your favorite subject to model?
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the most, how serious are you about modeling?
How well does the term “Modeling Nerd” apply to you? You may ask yourself what I mean by “Modeling Nerd” so let’s put it this way, when you hear the term “Naked Model” , what comes to your mind first, an unpainted Sherman showing its resin and brass or a beautiful blonde woman showing her goodies?
The blonde.
On average, how much time do you get to spend at your bench every week?
Depends, never enough. Maybe 40 hrs?
Do you have anything to say to all the beginners out there who are inspired by your work but don’t think they’ll ever get to your level?
Keep trying! Never give up
Where do you buy most of your models, tools, paints, etc. Online? eBay? Local hobbyshop?
Local hobby shop or shows
What area of modeling have you struggled the most with in the past? PE? Painting? Weathering? etc
Airbrushing I still do struggle…
In your early modeling days, was there any modeler in particular whose work you really looked up to.
My Father
Every modeler has at least one part of modeling that they just plain hate to do. For me it’s cleaning up road wheels, what’s yours?
Buying over expensive kits.
Now to flip things around, what is your favorite modeling task?
If a manufacturer were to come to you and ask what three models you would like to see them produce and add to their product line, what would you say?
A7V, decent IDF M-113, 1/48 AT-AT from Star wars.
Now if a tool manufacturer were come to you and ask what three new tools you would want them to develop that would solve or improve a modeling problem that you and other modelers have, what would these tools be? What problem would the tools solve?
Drills that don’t break, a cutting that helps you cut out parts without the further need of cleaning up. Something that prevents dust in my display case.
What is you most remarkable anecdote concerning modelling?
Not really an anecdote but I’m frequently asked why I’m so fast.
How do describe your own style?
Chaos, but I know what I’m doing
Which factor has the most value for you in a model kit?
Fit of parts.
If you must leave to an uninhabited island, which three things you take with you?
My family, models, and tools.
Favourite movie?
Many, but I like StarWars the most.
Favourite music? Do you use to build with music?
From rock to classic, I always have something on.
What’s your next project?
Don’t know yet