argent akinteractive andrew interview

AK-InteractiveFirst o let’s start with the obligatory questions of how old you are, where you live, and how long have you been building models? How long has it been since you re- ally started to get involved in modeling on a more serious level? How old were you?
I am 49 years old and i live in Bournemouth on the south coast of the UK. I have been building models on and o all my life but got into showing and competing in 2006 at the age of 41. I first got into modelling as a young boy. Whilst walking to school every day i would pass the local model shop and the owner always had a different diorama either 1/72 or 1/35 scale that he had made in the window. I found these models very exciting and it made me want to do the same thing.

AK-InteractiveWhat is your favourite drink?

AK-InteractiveWhat is your favourite food?

AK-InteractiveHow active are you in the modeling community such as frequenting the boards, going to shows, entering those shows, model club meetings, group builds, etc. I am very active at this time in modeling .I go to whatever show I can get too i.e. Euro militaire and Scale model world to name my
favorite shows. I love the social aspect of the shows as well as getting a buzz out of competing. Its all part of the weekend for me. If I win anything then that’s a Brucy bonus. I look at forums and face book daily .I attend a model club every other month. But Face book is my main model source.

AK-InteractiveWhere do you see the modeling indus- try to be in 10 years from right now. Where are we headed?
If the present scale model community is anything to go by I think it will only go from strength to strength and hopefully be stronger than it already is. Especially as it is being recognized more as an art form nowadays rather than just sticking bits of plastic together.

AK-InteractiveA lot of people are going to read this interview. That includes a lot of people who own companies in the modeling industry. Now that
you have their attention, without calling them out by name, tell me in broad and respectful terms what would you like to say to
the people involved with the business side of the hobby? What are they doing right? What are they doing wrong? What would you like to see them do? The floor is yours…

I guess the main thing to say is carry on doing exactly what you are currently doing. I don’t think the modeler has ever had it so good with quantity and quality of materials and the choice of models on o er is out- standing. Just keep it coming. I don’t think the prices of the more expensive plastic kits should rise much more than they already are.£50 for a kit is the maximum I would ever pay for a kit but a lot of modelers will only buy a bargain these days. Maybe there are a lot like myself that have built up a stash over the years and only part with hard earned cash when they are tempted to do so.

AK-InteractiveWhat are your general thoughts of what goes on in the forums?
Forums have been an incredible asset to me teaching me all types of techniques. I think without them I wouldn’t have been as successful as I have been on improving my modeling skills. I have only experienced a tiny amount of negativity on forums and I think if you are among friends then they can be great fun. I now however mainly use Face book I find it so much better. Easy to post up pics and if you don’t like someone then unfriend them. Not that I have had to do that yet.

AK-InteractiveDisagreements and debates are part of life. Having a nice healthy respectful debate with like-minded people is not necessarily a bad thing. With that being said, is there anything you’d like to say to those who can’t disagree and debate in a respectful manner on the forums and instead just try to belittle others and make them look foolish while simultaneously letting the world know just how wonderful they think they are?
I have experienced this sort of behavior in the past with some negativity being thrown my way on a couple of forums. The rst time I experienced this I posted up a model of a tank model I had built only to be slammed down with a barrage of abuse as to this is wrong that is wrong .All being said in a way as to say god that is rubbish. I didn’t know about all the manufacturers’ mistakes at the time as I was more of a novice at making kits. After initially being very excited with my results I soon felt like throwing the model in the bin . I think there should be respect and you should try to give constructive criticism in a positive manner and not in a way as to make the modeler feel like giving up after negative abuse. Mistakes is how we all im- prove but be polite about advising people on there mistakes. I had a lot of negativity after winning awards for modeling also along with comments of my work is not any good and my work would never be as good as the said persons work. I must thank that person and those comments because it made me strive for even better results in competition which I achieved. It did make me stop using the said forums however.

AK-InteractiveDo you have friends who also share a pas- sion for modeling like you do? What percentage of your friends are modelers themselves?
Most of my friends now are modelers and I have met some great people over the last few years that I otherwise would never have met. The social aspect of modeling is the most important to me and I have a ball.

AK-InteractiveWhat is your favorite subject to model?
Dioramas with lots of groundwork, I am fascinated in trying to create reality in miniature.

AK-InteractiveOn a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the most, how serious are you about modeling?
I would say 9,it is my main hobby and I absolutely love it at the moment but it doesn’t rule my life. My family comes first and I love spending time with them. Modeling comes second to that.

AK-InteractiveHow well does the term “Modeling Nerd” apply to you? You may ask yourself what I mean by “Modeling Nerd” so let’s put it this way, when you hear the term “Naked Model” , what comes to your mind first, an unpainted Sherman showing its resin and brass or a beautiful blonde woman showing her goodies?
Blonde women all the way.

AK-InteractiveOn average, how much time do you get to spend at your bench every week?
If I am in a modeling mood a couple of hours a night if not then a couple of hours a week. Depends on my mood.

AK-InteractiveDo you have anything to say to all the beginners out there who are inspired by your work but don’t think they’ll ever get to your level?
To all beginners and we were all there all I can say is you will improve. Don’t worry about mistakes because that’s how you im- prove. As long as you’re inspired by others as I am you will surely improve your results. You have never been so fortunate as to have all the aids in modeling with endless materials at your aid to help you achieve great results in a short amount of time. There is so much information out there you will only go forwards. Oh yes and thanks for liking my work.

AK-InteractiveWhere do you buy most of your mod- els, tools, paints, etc. Online? eBay? Local hobbyshop?
My purchases are a mix of from shows, my local shop and also online and ebay.

AK-InteractiveWhat area of modeling have you struggled the most with in the past? PE? Painting? Weathering? etc.
Some of the tiny pieces of PE have been a struggle also achieving a satisfactory result painting 35 scale figures. Both of which I am improving on all the time. I think it is a case of you get out of it what you put in. I take a lot more time on a figure than I used to.

AK-InteractiveIn your early modeling days, was there any modeler in particular whose work you really looked up to.
Françoise Verlinden did it for me and got me back into modeling. I love his work and the dioramas really inspired me into modeling. Nowadays there are so many talented modelers whose work I adore, too many to list But I have always had a soft spot for Mirko Bayerls work.

AK-InteractiveEvery modeler has at least one part of modeling that they just plain hate to do. For me it’s cleaning up road wheels, what’s yours?
Putting individual track links together. I find it so tedious and boring.

AK-InteractiveNow to flip things around, what is your favorite modeling task?
Building up groundwork, vegetation and buildings. Love it.

AK-InteractiveIf a manufacturer were to come to you and ask what three models you would like to see them produce and add to their product line, what would you say?
Most of my favorite subjects have been catered for but a 1/12 scale 59 Buick would be nice along with a 1/9 scale Panther G and crew for the Panther.

AK-InteractiveNow if a tool manufacturer were come to you and ask what three new tools you would want them to develop that would solve or improve a modeling problem that you and other modelers have, what would these tools be? What problem would the tools solve?
I would love leaf cutters in all scales for cutting out leaves. A magic tool for assembling PE and a rivet layer on a wheel where you just run the wheel over the surface of the model to apply rivets in a uniform manner.

AK-InteractiveWhat is you most remarkable anecdote concerning modelling?
Being asked to contribute to Roberto Aguilera’s Gallery of fame. The highest achievement i think there is in modelling. Thanks Roberto.

AK-InteractiveHow do describe your own style?
One word, Natural.

AK-InteractiveWhich factor has the most value for you in a model kit?
Realistic appearance.

AK-InteractiveIf you must leave to an uninhabited island, which three things you take with you?
My wife, my Kids and my laptop to keep in touch with the outside world.

AK-InteractiveFavourite movie?
American werewolf in London, Kelly’s heroes, carry on camping and the Italian Job.

AK-InteractiveFavourite music? Do you use to build with music?
Rockabilly, and yes i often put on a CD to build to or put on a DVD on WWII.

AK-InteractiveWhat’s your next project?
1/9 Kublewagon completely abandoned and rusted out in part of a wood.