Interview with: Sven Frisch


When did you start modelling? I started at a young age, around 10. My first model ever was a Hawker Harrier from Airfix in 1:72, I eventually ended up making afv models at the age of 13. I loved the 1:72 Esci range but then switched to 1:35. Until the age of 17 I worked […]

Interview with: Rubén González


I’m not a ‘RAL’ modeller or anything like that. With all due respect to those who seek perfection at this level. The color is important, obviously but one has to keep in mind the […]

Interview with: Paul Budzik


The Mustang was particularly enjoyable because it brought to light a hitherto undocumented aircraft. During the process I was able to meet and talk with James Goodson who was every bit as impressive as I had imagined […]

Interview with: Mike Roof


First o let’s start with the obligatory questions of how old you are, where you live, and how long have you been building mod- els? How long has it been since you really started to get involved in modeling on a more serious level? How old were you at the time? I’m 55 and live […]

Interview with: Lester Plaskitt

lesterplaskitt akinteractive interview tank wwii app

When did you start modelling? As with most prolific modelers my modeling began at an early age, inspired by stories from my Grandad about his service in World War II. I began to assemble Air x aircraft kits at the age of 7, the first one built by me being a 1/72 Kingfisher aircraft on […]

Interview with: David Parker


First o let’s start with the obligatory questions of how old you are, where you live, and how long have you been building models? How long has it been since you re- ally started to get involved in modeling on a more serious level? How old were you? 51 years old. Living in Northumberland in […]

Interview with: Andrew Argent


If the present scale model community is anything to go by I think it will only go from strength to strength and hopefully be stronger than it already is […]

Interview with: Chris Jerret

When did you start modelling? I started back in 1978, I was in a mall and a hobby shop was hosting a contest and show in the hall when I saw that I latched on to building plastic models. All growing up I had always been interested in miniature. When I as ve I turned […]

Interview with: Per Olav Lund


When did you start modelling? I think I got into modelling at the age of around 7 or 8 years old. My introduction to this wonderful hobby came when my older brother brought home a kit, a battery operated remote controlled Tamiya King Tiger, I was hooked the second I saw the action packed box […]

Interview with: Marij Van Gils


When did you start modelling? I built my first model when I was 6 years old. Well, probably my mother did most of the work, as I wasn’t allowed to handle the sharp knife necessary to separate the parts from the sprues yet. We used Velpon generic contact glue, which we had in the house […]

Interview with: Martin Red


When did you start modelling? I was 5 when I got my first model as a Christ- mas gift. I think it was the famous Santa Maria from Revell. My dad built it, my mom put a bit of paint on it and I had the luxury of enjoying the finished model. After this point, […]

Interview with: Szaskó Gergo

szaskogergo akinteractive app interview

I try get a realistic finish, but sometimes one needs to make a compromise to obtain a better result. So artistic freedom is OK. As a modeller who always works from an existing […]

Interview with: Kristof Punlinckx

lesterplaskitt akinteractive interview tank wwii app

First off let’s start with the obligatory questions of how old you are, where you live, and how long have you been building models? How long has it been since you really started to get involved in modeling on a more serious level? How old were you? I’m 38 years old and live together with […]

Interview with: Hugo Luyten

hugoluyten akinteractive interview

First off let’s start with the obligatory questions of how old you are, where you live, and how long have you been building models?  How long has it been since you really started to get involved in modeling on a more serious level? How old were you? My name is Hugo Luyten, born in ’63 […]

Interview with: Łukasz Orczyc

lukasz_model interview tanker akinteractive app

It is really hard to find one word to sum up my style. It is easier to say that I always try to create something interesting on my models – I mean the connection between each stage of model building, painting and weathering. I do not afraid of splashing mud, dust or dirt. I love stowage so you can notice that all my models have something added. My style is defined by some tricks […]

Interview with: Dani Zamarbide, the aircraft architect

zamarbide interview ak-interactive modeling aces high aircraft

began in the hobby mid-80s, when being just 12 to 13 years old, I saw on TV the lm “The Battle of Britain”, and the images and sequences of that movie instantly caught my attention. I remember that the next step was to read again and again my father ́s encyclopedia of aviation history, as well as all […]